Summer Kids Club 2022
Looking for a fun way to end the school holiday?
Have you run out of games and activities to do at home?
Do you need some time without the kids?
Are you kids missing getting to hangout with friends and other kids their age?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, I have the solution for you: Summer Kids Club!
What is it?
It's 2 days jammed full of fun, where your kids will get to play great games, do amazing activities, make creative crafts, take part in crazy challenges, make new friends and hear interesting things from the Bible!
When is it?
The Kids Club runs on the school pupil free days, 27-28 January, for kids starting school right through to Year 6.
Where we'll be becoming superheroes, and decide who the greatest superhero of all is.
Where is it?
Both days will take place at Village Church Annandale from 8am to 6pm.
Leaders are fully vaccinated, with WWCC and follow safe ministry regulations.
The program will adhere to all current COVID- 19 safety guidelines, along with a full approved Covid Safe Plan.
Why should my kids come?
Your kids will be smiling for days, and will have a blast. Just ask any of the families that came last December and January.
For more information and to register go to
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Check out our Youtube channel UpNext Sydney Youtube
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